Covid Catch-Up


Wheeeeewww — it has been a LONG absence from blogging. Covid has really taken the wind out of my sails, as I’m sure a lot of you can relate. It’s crazy how hard it is to come up with things to blog about when the entire world decides to turn off for a few months.

Like many of you, everything I dreamed 2020 would be pretty much flew out the window:

  • Weddings – CANCELED
  • Vacation plans – CANCELED
  • Birthday celebrations – CANCELED
  • Seeing Hamilton at the Kennedy Center – (more on that, but…) CANCELED

It’s been very disappointing. But I also had a lot of amazing things happen during this period of quarantine and cancelations. Just to catch you up on the past few months of life, here are a few things that are new in life or newly learned that I thank Covid for (in no particular order):

1. Kevin

Covid didn’t give me Kevin… we met online before Covid fully hit us. But we’ve had a good many learning experiences in our relationship that make us so thankful for this challenging season. We spent three whole months apart as I bunkered down by the lake where cases were less prominent. And while that was super hard for a new relationship like ours, we learned to communicate better and more deeply than we ever would have if we didn’t have that season.

2. Plants

Ok… it’s no secret my succulents have always had a special place in my heart and my home. But since Covid started, I have appreciated my little green friends even more! They brought life and hope… when it seemed like the whole world came to a halt, they kept growing and thriving like nothing was amiss. And it reminded me daily as I cared for them and fussed over them how God reminds us to consider the lilies when we are anxious.

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! Luke 12:27-28

3. Family

While I lived back at home with my parents for three months, I got so much treasured family time. Even my older sister, who lives in Phoenix, decided to come live with us to escape Covid and get a few extra hands with my niece Ellie since child care was closed. This meant I got to watch Ellie grow from a 4-month-old into a 7-month-old as she learned to say “mamamamama” and “babababa” and even get a tooth. I got to spend Mother’s Day with my mama and sister (her first!); and Father’s Day with my dad and brother-in-law (his first!). I learned how to wake surf behind Dad’s new boat, and even got a tan while working from home. Not a bad life, our little “Camp Covid” at the lake!

4. My job

While so many others struggled and lost their employment because of the crisis, I remain so thankful that my new job at PLUS Communications has sustained me and continued to go strong. I love my coworkers and the work I do. It keeps me busy (albeit sometimes a little too busy) when I could alternatively be twiddling my thumbs sweating over the fear that I may lose my job any day — or worse, have already lost it and struggle to regain employment while the economy struggles to maintain itself. Not everyone can testify to the same blessing, so I sure don’t take it for granted.

All in all, it has been a crazy year. But it looks like normalcy is beginning to return. I shot my first wedding of 2020 on July 19th (can’t wait to share those beautiful images with y’all!!) and just had a meeting with a photographer I’m second shooting for next month! I’ve picked up a ton of new inquiries for newborn, maternity, and even professional headshot sessions. And traveling is finally becoming a stronger possibility again as Kevin and I plan for two big leaps – meeting the families!

I know this year looks a lot different than we all hoped. But I encourage you to list out the things you’re thankful for despite, or maybe even because of Covid and quarantine.

As Kevin always says to me when I’m stressed or down, “Not every day will be good. But there is good in every day.”

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